Talisman Amulet Enhanced Mood Ring - Wicca Empowerment - 12 Chakras, Yes 12!
$ 8.24
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TEMPORARILY BARGAIN PRICED!Our listings are 100% private. No one will ever be aware of your purchase.
Introduction: We are world renown with a combined ancestral training of 257 years of helping individuals, just like you! Your future awaits you with 13 highly developed practitioners, including Herman, our High Priest. As our Coven works on your behalf, genuine powerful life changes will be in your reach.
We are proud to announce that we are able to harness the mighty power of the chakras. Thousands of years of knowledge and ancient teachings have been granted to The High Priest Herman of The Cosmic Guru Coven in a private, sole summoning of The Mighty spirit of Shakyamuni.
Up for auction today is this highly educational transformed mood ring. If you desire to learn of the advanced spiritual "12" chakras, this is a "one of a kind," educational, enlightenment piece. From day one, you will begin learning of the additional 5 chakras. By being aware of the color changes you will become aware of the old and the newly discovered chakras.
This ring can help you get rid of negative energies and replace then with loving,
vibrations. It also helps to realign your chakras.
You will have greater insight into your own being and those around you. Please include your ring size in messages or while making payment. Presently available in sizes 5, 5.5, 6, 6.5, 7, 7.5, 9, 9.5, 10 and 10.5. If this is not your ring size you can do as others have done. Attach to a neck chain, tuck in your pocket/purse or even attach to your keychain.
Many thousands of years ago, our spiritual guides gave all of us tools to help us grow spiritually. Back then, we learned them well. Unfortunately, as we evolved, much of the spiritual knowledge of those times has been lost. Spiritual knowledge is not stagnant; it evolves as we do. New information arrives when we are ready to receive it. This is why so much new information is coming in today.
The spine and the human energy field contain chakras, or energy centers, that vibrate at different frequencies. Each chakra presents us with the opportunity to establish a root relationship and to satisfy a deep soul desire. Each frequency holds the gift of a certain power, which enhances our human experience on Planet Earth. As we tune into this power, we are internally empowered to deal with the specific life challenges of that energy center or chakra and as a consequence to live more whole, meaningful and fulfilling lives. If you know what a chakra is, then you probably know that there are seven of them and that they have a corresponding color, or vibration. This knowledge has been with us for thousands of years. Moreover, for thousands of years, it was true. However, as we evolved and ascended, the chakra system evolved as well. The ascended, fourth-dimensional human, or semi-ascended human, has twelve chakras. They differ in numerous ways from the seven chakras of the third dimension.
Please do not hesitate to purchase, as Shakyamuni blessed gifts to the physical world are so rare they are principally unheard of.
What are the new chakras and their color correspondences? Let us start from the top and work our way down.
12th Chakra - Color: Turquoise
The twelfth chakra is three steps above the crown chakra, in the aura. It interacts with the bottom point of the upper MerKaBa , your source... higher self, that meets the human MerKaBa, or light body. This chakra is associated with masculine energy, "Father Sky." It is our connection to higher self.
11th Chakra - Color: Deep indigo
The eleventh chakra in the aura is two steps above the crown chakra. It interacts with the upper point of the MerKaBa. It incorporates all of the lower chakras, so it must stay clear or all of the chakras will have difficulties. While the twelfth chakra corresponds with the masculine, the eleventh chakra corresponds with feminine energy, the Christ-consciousness of Mary, Kwan Yin, or Mother Earth. Its deep indigo energy radiates outward and includes things other than ourselves. It is associated with compassion and connection with all life, including Mother Earth.
10th Chakra - Color: Yellow
The tenth chakra is one-step above the crown chakra, in the aura. Its energy radiates infinitely in a linear plane in all four directions: front, back, left, and right. As a result, it is the chakra that joins us with everything. It also safeguards the higher mind processes.
9th Chakra - Color: Magenta
The ninth chakra is the crown chakra. It is the gateway to the rest of the body as it will be. It is also the upper root chakra, where creation and manifesting energy live. Being so, issues about self-denial, feeling unworthy, and even 4-D sex will show up here.
Half-tone Chakra (8.5) - Color: Amber
Between the eighth and the ninth chakra, there is a half-tone chakra. This chakra provides a clear connection between the third eye and the crown, and it manages emotional and mental clarity. Troubles with any of these areas usually show up here.
8th Chakra - Color: Silver
The eighth chakra is the third eye, or inner vision. It is the foundation for the higher chakras and must be kept clean and clear. Its silver ray radiates as a cone, the point of the cone beginning at the third eye, then spreading outward at the back of the head.
7th Chakra - Color: Gold
The seventh chakra is the throat chakra. Regarding voicing your truth without judgment or delineation. Gold in color, golden truth. Voice...every voice matters.
6th Chakra - Color: Purple
The sixth chakra is the heart chakra. The ascended heart chakra is concerned with Christ-consciousness, or universal love. This is unconditional love for everyone and everything. During the transition, many healers see problems of the heart (not medical!) for the reason that this must be cleared in order to ascend. If it cannot be healed in the physical body, then we will defer it to heal on the other side.
5th Chakra - Color: Green
The fifth chakra is the solar plexus. Many former third-dimensional heart chakra issues now live here, namely the lower hearts purpose such as connectivity and interpersonal relationships, romantic love, friends and family. This may seem like a demotion for feelings that we all really care about, but it is not. When the upper heart, or Christ-consciousness, is exposed and clear, it embraces the wonderful, nourishing feelings of connection with the people we love. It also permits us to move significantly beyond them and to uphold much healthier relationships.
4th Chakra - Color: Red
The fourth chakra is the core of emotions, and it corresponds with the old second chakra, behind the navel. Emotional issues are centered in this chakra.
3rd Chakra - Color: Ultraviolet X
The third chakra is where the root chakra is in the ancient system. It helps us to comprehend our need to be intimately connected with other people. Tribulations with connection or intimacy may center in this chakra. We call the color related with this chakra ultraviolet X since it has no name and cannot be distinguished by most third-dimensional human eyes. It lies in the ultraviolet frequency.
2nd Chakra - Color: Ultraviolet Y
In the soles of our feet, the second chakra lies. It is the grounding chakra. While in 3-D this is more of a simple grounding, in 4-D this chakra helps us to be aware of Mother Earth and to know that we are her children. It permits us to be closely associated with her chakra system, so abuses of the Mother can never again occur with this harmony. The color of this chakra also is in the ultraviolet frequency.
1st Chakra - Color: Clear, or transparent
The first chakra is below your feet, in the earth. It corresponds with the bottom point of your MerKaBa, or light body. If you are a healer, this color of the chakra is for general healing work.
In the study of the anatomy of the aura, it is important to understand the significance of the chakra system and the language of colors expressed in the aura. Are you ready to be the lucky keeper of this insightful ring? Imagine the extraordinary, life changes that will come with your newfound knowledge.
Upon making your payment, don't forget to include your ring size or message it to us in ebay
Here is what people are saying about our services:
Dear Herman, I cannot tell you how your coven's "beauty potion" has changed my self-esteem and image. I needed to show you. Not bad, huh? You are the supreme man and I'll love you forever! XXOO, Daisy
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Just wanted to say THANK YOU! Happy, happy, happy! Even though I get some weird looks from most of my friends, I highly recommend you. Just wait, they are sure to check you out if they have any intelligence at all. You have been very understanding and more than helpful. A follower of your coven forever, (J.J.) Jimbo Jam
Your coven is of the highest ability, expertise and professionalism I have ever dealt with. I have been involved with Wicca for a number of years now and I can finally say that your coven's spells unquestionably manifest. I convey you my greatest thanks for making my life long dreams a reality. I shall look no further for guidance and help in the future, for I have found your coven. With my utmost gratitude, I thank you all. Ralph Sr.
Hello Friends! As you can see, dreams can come true, thanks to The Cosmic Guru Coven, I can now travel to exotic places. Believe...and it can happen! ~T.J
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