Professor Lakhovsky copper coil when worn on skin helps health and heals. Gap between copper ends must be keep one eight inch apart or 1/16" or as close as possible to slip a paper though is best, to ensure natural battery generator micro electrical current flow electrons quantum leap from end to end, ends should not contact or sub electrical flow stops. Occasionally clean copper ends, so sub electrical flow no inhibits. Plant animal humans cells have a micro volt, so copper micro electrical equivalent to micro electrical in weak cells is why heals. Copper molecules migrate into skin for copper mineral supplementation. Lakhovsky coil when put on water outlet purifies water and foods, Tesla plates energizes water foods, so place coil on plate for increased energy. Photo either circle ring gap apart or overlap gap. Can sense subtle sub electrical in skin when wear Lakhovsky copper spiral ring ( photo ) on center finger or ring finger between fingers. Hold copper spiral ring about a centimeter away from body or / and contact area in distress, to leech out the infection, tumor or / and pain, in slow motion turn copper spiral ring in air in a turning coil same shape as ring shape away for about a foot away from body counterclockwise widdershins, then reverse spiral clockwise fast motion spin turning copper spiral ring to put dispersed energy back into body. Copper coil antennas have loop gaps to generate generate micro electricity. 1 copper wire affixed unto ring to antenna is Lost and Scared cubit is about average 21.5". 1 copper spiral ring length are half about average between Lost and Scared cubit 10.75 inch. long coil antenna is 21.5 inch. 3 antennas, 1 cone counterclockwise windershins, 1 cone clockwise, 1 coil antenna, the three are 21.5 inches. Radionic box wish version is where this comes from, but without box ( can get complete Doctor Hieronymus electronic device also heals see my seller's other items ) in from universe antenna counterclockwise widdershins. Photo antenna cones coil on mirror ( not included ) wish out to universe clockwise ( photo clip to antenna outer end wire and other end clip on finger copper wire ) either ways flip over spiral clockwise on opposite side to be counterclockwise on mirror or push spiral coil out ( Professor Lakhovsky copper coil 1 / 8 gap purifies water foods place cup on coil ) to stand as an antenna ( elsewhere pair over $ 1,000 ) Surgeon self hypnosis operated on himself, then later in day attended meeting. Subconscious healing search you tube movie true incident One Step Beyond Ordeal on Locust street ) Visualize wish not cartoon, real 3 dimensional envision scenario. Old Wive's tale "Wish upon a star then countdown backwards from 50 repeating wish 50 times, beads prayer has 50 beads, self hypnosis repeat suggestion 50 times gets attention subconscious ( "Id" I.D. called by Doctor Psychology Sigmund Freud) or rather is super consciousness. Shipment 1 copper circle gap ring, 1 copper spiral ring, 1 copper cord to ring and 3 coils antennas, 3 Tesla purple rainbow pink yellow plates. Ship 2 stamps $ 1.16 no track # ( all instructions are in this ad only, no instruction paper sheet included, copy paste hold computer pointer over words click then move cursor over words until blue right click copy then paste into documents and/or USB storage hard thumb drive ) Free Tesla pink love plate and yellow thin included. Patent Tesla filed, purple for human energy field, in notes, plates can be any color, example, Yellow plate heals stomach digests foods emotions saying "Gut feelings" Red laser ( red is tint of pink plate ) over vein heals red blood vessels. Pink is flesh dermis, skin epidermis under is layer dermis cuts heal. Pink is a lighter tint of purple. Pink is a light red hue and is typically associated with love and romance. Frequency range from 40 to 60 Hz as in the band from 4000 to 6000 Hz Pink natural colored quartz helps relationships. Factory flexible thin plate. Yellow thin plate has 2 adhesives sides, to separate off peeling may have to use razor blade ( plastic zip lock bag included ) Pyramid has a funnel function shape V collects energy free in outer space, Tachyon, Scalar, Chi, etc., pass over through in wide pyramid V side and out through the point tip _V collects, concentrates and amplifies subtle energy. Tesla purple plate gets scratches ( scratches, cuts and open wounds can have this plate covered with micro crystals pyramids and colors as a secondary healing aid with first aid within the bandage ) ( plastic zip lock bag included ) Research online testimonies and You Tube testimonies of what to expect using plates { ebay no allow web page links }. One aspect is plate will not revert rancid food to normal taste, yet plate will preserve foods for a period of time. Photo plausible proof cauliflower sliced in half stored about a month in refrigerator, side without pyramid plate has brownish top, other side on top of pyramid plate multi colored has no brownish. Tesla used meter measures energy field extends about 2 meters out of plate. Metal in powdered form mixed with another chemical compound is used in water purifiers Far Infrared filter. Different logos for different companies purple plates, the factory plate shipped has no logo stamp. Can use this plate as a mouse pad, take plate out of bag and use plain metal side for a mouse pointer cursor pad. Ships 2 stamps $ 1.16 2 envelopes no track #